
A story of a loving woman whose life changes under her hands, full of love and gentle humour.

Brazil, Uruguay 2017
  • Czech
95 min.

Irene lives with her husband and four kids in a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. The family’s modest yet joyful life is turned upside down when the eldest son Fernando gets an unexpected offer to go abroad for an extended period. As a mother, Irene receives a painful shock; as a woman, however – despite the literally crumbling house – she finds solid ground under her feet again. The nimble camera skillfully embraces the fluid functioning of the Brazilian household, with the samba’s driving brass section and even the clamor of noise rock lending support. But it is the acting tour-de-force from Karine Teles, co-author of this spirited melodrama, that reigns over this colorful picture.

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Director: Gustavo Pizzi
Screenplay: Gustavo Pizzi, Karine Teles
Cinematography: Pedro Faerstein
Music: Dany Roland, Pedro Sá, Maximiliano Silveira
Editing: Lívia Serpa
Production Design: Dina Salem Levy
Producer: Gustavo Pizzi
Co-production: Agustina Chiarino, Fernando Epstein, Rodrigo Letier
Cast: Karine Teles, Otávio Müller, Adriana Esteves, Konstantinos Sarris, César Troncoso