Wood for the Next Winter

Karel Šindelář’s visually captivating drama about a pair of siblings facing an inevitable and painful fact of life.

Dřevo na příští zimu
Czechia 2022
  • English
25 min.

Dáša interrupts her treatment for a fatal tumor to spend her last days in the countryside in peace. Her older brother David gets the impression that if Dáša is going to die, she should go on an ecstatic adventure – and he is a master of exciting experiences… at least, the kind that he thinks are worthwhile. But his perfect plan full of skydiving, seeing the northern lights, and zorbing is not welcomed as he expected. While David goes to great lengths to organize his predictable bucket list of fun, Dáša would prefer to just sit down with him and enjoy his company. In the end, David discovers how little he actually knows his own sister, and it becomes clear who lives each day to the fullest and who still has to come to terms with death.

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Director: Karel Sindelár
Screenplay: Karel Šindelář
Cinematography: Antoan Pepelanov
Sound: Lukáš Podaný
Editing: Anna Lit
Producer: Jiří Sádek, Jindřich Trčka, Albert Otevřel
Co-production: Miloň Terč
Costumes: Beata Kuraj, Julie Minichová
Cast: Jiří Mádl, Martina Šindelářová, Tomáš Turek, Vít Roleček, Tomáš Borůvka, Andrew Horne