
The directorial debut by Michael Haneke’s casting director is a disturbing probe into the private life of a seemingly ordinary man who attempts to cover up his on-going crime by studiously keeping up appearances of a normal life.

Austria 2011
  • Czech
93 min.
  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.

Feature film debut describes the last five months of 10-year-old Wolfgang and 35-year-old Michael’s invo­luntary life together. Renowned casting director Markus Schleinzer said that he acquired the necessary self-confidence to embark upon his directorial debut after completing work on Michael Haneke’s The White Ribbon. The casting of a ten-year-old boy and his preparation for the role was an important element of this extremely disturbing film which describes, without traces of emotion or sentiment, the daily life of a young man who feigns a family and partnership idyll with an unwilling boy. Schleinzer focuses his attention primarily on the title character, a respectable employee of an insurance company who studiously maintains appearances of a normal lifestyle while attempting to cover up his on-going crime. The largely static shots from the cold, detached camera lens convey no more than is absolutely necessary for an understanding of the plot. Such directorial reserve, which adds to the credibility of the film and gives it greater impact, also dominates the outstanding performances of the central characters.

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Director: Markus Schleinzer
Screenplay: Markus Schleinzer
Cinematography: Gerald Kerkletz
Music: Lorenz Dangel
Sound: Klaus Kellermann, Bernhard Maisch, Veronika Hlawatsch
Editing: Wolfgang Widerhofer
Production Design: Gerhard Dohr, Katrin Huber
Producer: Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Markus Glaser, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Michael Kitzberger
Costumes: Hanya Barakat
Cast: Michael Fuith, David Rauchenberger, Christine Kain, Ursula Strauss


2011 – Markus Schleinzer (Best Feature)

  • This film is available in the following territories: Czechia, Slovakia.