The Gospel According to Brabenec

A series of non-committal philosophising, self-ironic jokes and remarks about the life of birds and nature as such, filmed with a handheld camera and interspersed with poetic inserts.

Evangelium podle Brabence
Czechia 2014
90 min.

This documentary is based on the book The Gospel according to Brabenec. Everything written in this book can be useful for the film. Important things has been said, but the most important things haven't been said yet. For example, the leader of Plastic people of the Universe is not made for this time. He is a man, who refuses to change himself to go with the flow, he doesn't visit shopping malls, doesn't use the computer and doesn't stand in the queues. He lives in his own way, which means many people see him as a vagabond, drunkard, somebody not worth their time. Youngsters throw eggs at him in the streets. Vráťa Brabenec is a legend, but nobody cares for legends of underground these times. Brabenec is not worried about this, he worries about the time we live in. He doesn't need money and medals, but he is sick of former prominents who are better off now than during the totalitarianism. And nobody even cares. Because shops are still full of people.

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Director: Miroslav Janek
Based on: Vratislav Brabenec
Screenplay: Miroslav Janek, Renata Kalenská
Cinematography: Miroslav Janek
Music: Vratislav Brabenec, Joe Karafiát, The Plastic People of the Universe
Sound: Michael Míček, Vladimír Chrastil, Jan Čeněk
Editing: Tonička Janková, Pavel Sedlák
Producer: Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda, Petr Kubica
Cast: Vratislav Brabenec, Renáta Kalenská, Mikuláš Kalenský, Eva Turnová, Jiří Voves, Tonička Janková, Ivan Martin Jirous, Milan Mejla Hlavsa, Václav Havel, Miroslav Janek