Tady Vary 2023/24 – We give you space for film 1

18. 9. 2023
1 min

Tady Vary 2023/24 is the film season with a subscription for 10 festival nights between October 2023 and June 2024. Once a month, enter the cinema on the red carpet and enjoy a premiere of a great film. Audiences across the country will be watching the film with you at the same time. The special atmosphere will be enhanced by an introduction broadcast to all cinemas. Participating cinemas will sell discounted subscriptions on their websites and box offices. For more information visit www.tadyvary.cz.

The concept of the spot was created by the communication agency Zaraguza. The spot was produced by Boogiefilms and directed by the duo bao-bab. Thanks to our partners Soundsquare and PFX for post-production.

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