Everything's fine, potatoes in line

The Turow mines in Poland near the German and Czech borders have had a negative impact on the environment and led to a reduction in groundwater in the surrounding area.

Wszystko w Porządku, Ziemniaki w Żołądku
Poland, Czechia 2022
  • Czech
  • English
14 min.

After complaints lodged by the Czech Republic, the EU issued a fine of 500,000 euros a day until the problem is resolved. But the mine and the local power plant employ thousands of local residents who have no hope of finding work anywhere else. One of them is fifty-year-old Tereza, who has decided to fight the Czech enemy by entering a local competition for best potato salad.

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Director: Piotr Jasiński
Cinematography: Vojtěch Lukeš
Music: Haštal Hapka
Sound: Vojtěch Vilém Cibulka
Editing: Oleksandr Veremeyenko
Producer: Tomáš Šimon, Piotr Jasiński
Cast: Teresa Kruszynska